Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to attend a sponsoring postsecondary institution to attend?

No, you do not have to attend a sponsor institution to register. Postsecondary students from all Ontario universities and colleges are welcome to attend.

Do I have to study a specific field (ex. STEM) to attend?

No, you do not have to study STEM or another specific field to attend. Although STEM With Disabilities is organizing the Summit, the event is open to students in all disciplines and fields of study. We want to build a community of postsecondary students with disabilities without the exclusion of different disciplines.

Do I have to be disabled to attend the Summit?

We do not use a particular definition or model of "disabled" and instead encourage anyone who resonates with the topics to attend. However, we would ask that those identifying as "allies" support the event in ways other than attending to ensure the Summit is a safe place for disabled students. We encourage allies to share the registration link with classmates and read and share the post-Summit report.

What virtual platform will the Summit use?

The Summit will use Zoom Meetings. The same Zoom Meeting link will be used for the entire Summit.

Will closed captioning or ASL be available?

Yes, closed captioning and ASL translation will both be available. More information about how to access these services will be shared closer to the event.

How do I make accommodation requests?

Please indicate all accommodation requests within the Register form or contact Samantha Fowler at

Can I attend the Summit anonymously?

Attend anonymously by changing your name within the Zoom meeting. To learn more about changing your name within a Zoom Meeting, view Changing your name on Zoom.
Ask anonymous questions
by direct messaging someone named “Organizer” within the Zoom meeting. To learn more about direct messaging within a Zoom Meeting, view Chatting in a Zoom meeting.

Will sessions be recorded?

Sessions will be recorded but not shared publicly. Recordings will only be accessed by Summit organizers to capture stories and questions for the post-Summit report. Recordings will not be shared publicly to ensure the anonymity of students asking questions and sharing stories.